Specialist support, exactly when you need it.


Life science ventures

Value proposition development

Building brand identity

Marketing communications

Business development

Online presence improvement


Healthcare organisations

Strategy development

Commercial governance

Service review  

Business development

Strategic partnerships


Example projects


Commercial support

Redeveloping a start up website including collaborative work with stakeholders to redefine the value proposition to and reposition it in the market. Support to the business development effort in a niche market through targeted networks.

Programme Lead

Leading a comprehensive review of all services in an NHS Trust. Implementing the resulting transformational change programme.

Social media review

Development of a social media strategy, including work on brand personality and tone of voice. 

Business governance review

Review of governance structures in an NHS organisation. Creating a business case for a digital academy and implementing the resulting work streams.

Value proposition development 

Reviewing and redeveloping the value proposition statements, brand guidelines and complete website re-write.  

Website review

Comprehensive review of website content and structure for a complex website redevelopment.

Service review

Reviewing NHS psychotherapy services across three London Boroughs, engaging with clinicians, GPs and commissioners.

Marketing and communications support

Developing the online presence of a start up business through content marketing on LinkedIn and website. Support to the business development efforts through targeted research and bespoke email marketing.

Partnership offer development

Developing the partnership and fundrasing offer for a patient charity.

Commercial operations

Developing the commercial offer, brand strategy and marketing planning for a health-based technology start up.